
  • Armor for Survival: Equipping Ourselves for Life’s Challenges

    Armor for Survival: Equipping Ourselves for Life’s Challenges

    Armor for Survival: Equipping Ourselves for Life’s Challenges In life’s unpredictable journey, facing challenges and uncertainties is inevitable. Just as a soldier dons armor before entering the battlefield, we too need to equip ourselves with the right armor for survival in the face of life’s trials. Let’s explore the essential elements that form our…

  • The Minister And The Ministry

    The Minister And The Ministry

    THE MINISTER AND THE MINISTRY Eccl. 10:10; Col 4:17 Every believer redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb is saved to serve. The moment you’re born again, the journey begins. Just as parents expects to see their baby grow, get to crawl, walk, talk and become productive adults, so God expects every born…

  • The Minister And The Ministry

    The Minister And The Ministry

    THE MINISTER AND THE MINISTRY Eccl. 10:10; Col 4:17 Every believer redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb is saved to serve. The moment you’re born again, the journey begins. Just as parents expects to see their baby grow, get to crawl, walk, talk and become productive adults, so God expects every born…