African ministers in Diaspora

  • AMF Celebrates 17 Years Soaring Beyond Limits: A Faith Heroes Africa Special Coverage

    AMF Celebrates 17 Years Soaring Beyond Limits: A Faith Heroes Africa Special Coverage

    Dec 10, 2023 – Faith Heroes Africa is delighted to share the outstanding highlights from the 17th Anniversary Thanksgiving celebration of the African Ministers’ Fellowship (AMF), which unfolded yesterday. The event showcased the enduring spirit of unity, faithfulness, and collaboration that has defined AMF’s remarkable journey over the past seventeen years. In a moving…

  • Life Story of Dr. Bola Are

    Life Story of Dr. Bola Are

    Dr. Bola Are is a Nigerian gospel singer and former President of the Gospel Musicians Association of Nigeria. She was born on October 1, 1954, in Erio, Ekiti State, Nigeria to the family of Elder Babayomi and Mrs. T. A. Babayomi.  Bola Are started singing at the age of two and knew she would serve the…

  • Encouraging Messages for Missionaries

    Encouraging Messages for Missionaries

      Introduction Missionaries play a vital role in communities around the world, dedicating their lives to spreading faith, providing humanitarian aid, and supporting those in need. Their journey is often marked by challenges, sacrifices, and a deep commitment to their mission. As supporters and well-wishers, it’s essential for us to find meaningful ways to…

  • Evangelism and Objectification

    Evangelism and Objectification

    Evangelism, as a practice of sharing religious beliefs and attempting to convert others to a particular faith, can be a sensitive and complex subject. Whether or not it objectifies people depends on how it is carried out and the intentions behind it. In some cases, evangelism can be seen as objectifying when: People are…

  • Horizon 2033 Forum: Pioneering Change & Shaping The Future Of Africa Missions Global

    Horizon 2033 Forum: Pioneering Change & Shaping The Future Of Africa Missions Global

    New York, NY – September 20, 2023 – The illustrious Manhattan room at the Millenium Hilton New York, One UN Plaza, played host to the momentous Horizon 2033 forum today. The event, which is a grand undertaking, was a resounding success. It not only showcased the remarkable work of Africa Missions Global but also…

  • Social Impact of Development Missions

    Social Impact of Development Missions

    Introduction Education and development missions represent a powerful force for positive change in our world. These missions, often initiated by governments, NGOs, or international organizations, aim to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities by fostering education, healthcare, economic growth, and sustainable development. In this article, we will explore the profound significance…

  • Challenges in Humanitarian Missions

    Challenges in Humanitarian Missions

    Introduction Africa, with its diverse cultures, landscapes, and challenges, has been a focal point for humanitarian missions for decades. Humanitarian organizations from around the world have embarked on missions to alleviate suffering, address crises, and promote development in the continent. These missions have played a crucial role in providing hope and assistance to African…

  • Valuable lessons from C.S. Lewis

    Valuable lessons from C.S. Lewis

    C.S. Lewis, the renowned Christian author, offers a profound example of how to care for doubters through his book “A Grief Observed.” While the book primarily deals with his own journey through grief after the loss of his wife, it contains valuable lessons on compassion, understanding, and support for those experiencing doubt and questioning…

  • African Ministers in Diaspora

    African Ministers in Diaspora

    Introduction The African diaspora is not only a vibrant cultural and economic force but also a source of spiritual strength. Within this diverse global community, there are African ministers of God who have taken their faith and ministry to new shores, bringing spiritual guidance, hope, and unity to the diaspora and beyond. In this…

  • J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 4)

    J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 4)

    Arranged from the book, “Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission. The Growth Of A Work Of God” by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. In his missionary service in China, J. Hudson Taylor was initiating some new practices and procedures, some of which caused misunderstanding and even opposition. One such was that he and…

  • J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 3)

    J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 3)

    Arranged from the book, “Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission, The Growth Of A Work Of God” by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. J. Hudson Taylor and his wife and children departed from Britain in May 1866, bound for China, where Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had served as missionaries for one term. Accompanying…

  • J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 2)

    J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 2)

    Arranged from the book, “Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission, The Growth Of A Work Of God” by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. Assured of God’s leading to him to return to China to open up the vast unreached interior to the Gospel, Hudson Taylor began without delay to make preparations. With the…