All glory be to God almighty for the success of the inauguration of the first parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God in San Pedro Pinula, Jalapa city in Guatemala.

The church planting was a joint effort by the city Mayor of Jalapa city, Guatemala, Caribbean Life

Mission (CLM), County Line Mission, North Georgia, Atlanta, USA and The Redeemed Christian Church

of God, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America under Rivers Province 1, Region 5 Nigeria.

The city mayor donated an acre of land for the Church’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Project in the city that will include a Youth Centre, a CRSM School and skill acquisition center with the hope of bettering the lot and impacting the lives of the people in the community.

It was a weeklong programme of activities which began on Sunday 10th of July 2016 with the ground breaking and foundation laying by the teams and the Parish Auditorium with a seating capacity of about

120 was constructed in three and a half days.

During the construction period, Pastor Olusegun Oluwayomi of RCCG Honduras led a group of Workers

from RCCG Honduras and other members of the CLM team who were not engaged in the construction activities on door to door Evangelism, which covered most homes and Schools in the City. The Mercy Ministries – distribution of essential food items to the poor and needy was equally engaged in.

There was singspiration and daily worship services to God, held both in the mornings and evenings.

On Thursday 14th July 2016, before the Inauguration Service all the team members from Honduras and

the US visited a community to evangelize and distribute food items and cloths as part of the programme to launch the Parish.

Pastor Olusegun Oluwayomi delivered a message titled “ Great Joy in the City” , he took his text from

Acts 8: 5-8 ; He emphasized that  if the true gospel of Jesus is preached and the people obey it, it will always bring  great joy to the people , to the community, to the city and to the nations. To the glory of

God 189 people were in attendance and a total of 89 people were saved in the weeklong activities.

After the whole event the almighty God confirm his word by releasing the rain to fall in thesame community which has suffered lack of rain in a long time.

olusegun oluwayomi

Pastor Olusegun Oluwayomi


















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