Live All-Out For God

By Lois J. Stucky (1928 – 2014)
“We are living in the last hours of the last days of this age!” Millions are touched by calamities and
sorrows. How frightening it must be to many to be living in this hour! And for us Christians, what a
responsibility to be living in this hour! Our Lord’s coming cannot be far away!
If our dear Lord Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem (Luke 13:34-35), how must His compassionate
heart weep for earth’s multitudes today. So many know not this is their hour of opportunity for salvation. So
many living today might be among those who experience devastating tribulations greater than the world has
ever seen. Who of us is willing to weep for them with our Lord?
When the Church age was beginning, demands on Jesus’ followers were high. They had to forsake all.
“…Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:33). They
had to crucify even worthy personal desires and ambitions. “…If any man will come after Me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).
Now that we are near the climax of the Church age, the demands are still high. Some of us (O that it were
all of us!) will have to be wholehearted about seeing God’s Kingdom come and His will done on earth if it is to
come to pass. We must have this not only as a goal but as the goal. We must not only be doing something
but everything God would have us to do.
It matters not whether we are in the pulpit, on the mission field, in the home, on the farm, in the classroom,
in the office. We all need the power of the Holy Spirit if we are to play our part well. And we need constant
fullness. God help us to keep closely in touch with the throne from whence the power comes! Let us seek
the enduement from on high that enables us to meet the demands to live all-out for God in this hour.

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