General Stories

  • The All-Sufficiency Of Christ

    The All-Sufficiency Of Christ

    By F. B. Meyer When the disciple whom Jesus loved fell at His feet as one dead; when the church at Smyrna needed encouragement to remain faithful unto death; when spirits athirst for God cry out for the living water; when the way has to be opened through the gates of the city to…

  • Soul Winners And Their Prayers

    Soul Winners And Their Prayers

    By Samuel L. Brengle (1860 – 1936) “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (Jas. 5:16). All great soul winners have been men of much and mighty prayer, and all great revivals have been preceded and carried out by persevering, prevailing knee-work in the closet. Before Jesus began His ministry, when…

  • Report Of God’s Work In China, Iran And India

    Report Of God’s Work In China, Iran And India

    [Editor’s Note: One of the highlights of this year’s Heart-Cry for Revival Conference was the following interview that Sammy Tippit, an international revivalist/evangelist, held with ministry leaders from China, Iran and India.] Sammy Tippit: I’m so excited about the panel we have today because God is doing some incredible things around the world and…

  • Praying For Your Neighbors

    Praying For Your Neighbors

    By Kim Butts Prayer is the most powerful form of evangelism, and everyone can do it! It is my personal belief that no one comes to Christ apart from prayer. Many of us had parents, grandparents or friends who prayed that we would know Jesus personally. Some of us may not know who prayed…

  • More Workers For His Harvest

    More Workers For His Harvest

    By Rich Carmicheal “And seeing the multitudes, [Jesus] felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest’” (Matt. 9:36-38).…

  • Jonathan And Rosalind Goforth In China (Part 1)

    Jonathan And Rosalind Goforth In China (Part 1)

    By Rosalind Goforth In this article a pioneer missionary wife and mother tells of the faithfulness of God to hear and to answer prayer during the very difficult days at the end of the 19th century when China was being opened to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In October 1887, my husband,…

  • John G. Paton: Pioneering In The New Hebrides (Part 5)

    John G. Paton: Pioneering In The New Hebrides (Part 5)

    Taken from Pioneering in the New Hebrides, autobiography of John G. Paton (1824-1907), edited by his brother James Paton. Copyrighted and printed 1898 by Fleming H. Revell Company. Outwitting the Enemy by Flight For some time, John Paton endured life-threatening dangers at the hands of natives strongly opposed to his Gospel work on Tanna…

  • John G. Paton: Pioneering In The New Hebrides (Part 4)

    John G. Paton: Pioneering In The New Hebrides (Part 4)

    Taken from Pioneering in the New Hebrides, autobiography of John G. Paton (1824-1907), edited by his brother James Paton. Copyrighted and printed 1898 by Fleming H. Revell Company. In Perils Often “Dangers again darkened round me,” wrote John G. Paton as he continued in his missionary efforts among the natives of the island of…

  • John G. Paton: Pioneering In The New Hebrides (Part 3)

    John G. Paton: Pioneering In The New Hebrides (Part 3)

    Taken from “Pioneering in the New Hebrides,” autobiography of John G. Paton (1824-1907), edited by his brother James Paton. Copyrighted and printed 1898 by Fleming H. Revell Company. As a missionary on the island of Tanna in the New Hebrides in the South Pacific, John Paton’s life was often in peril because of the…

  • John G. Paton:  In The New Hebrides (Part 2)

    John G. Paton: In The New Hebrides (Part 2)

    Taken from “Pioneering in the New Hebrides,” autobiography of John G. Paton (1824-1907), edited by his brother James Paton. Copyrighted and printed 1898 by Fleming H. Revell Company. John G. Paton labored on courageously but alone on the island of Tanna in the South Pacific, after burying his beloved young wife and infant son,…

  • Jesus Christ Himself – The Substance Of The Gospel

    Jesus Christ Himself – The Substance Of The Gospel

    By Charles H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) “Jesus Christ Himself” is the Substance of the Gospel, and therefore how closely should we study Him. While He was here He taught His disciples, and the object of His teaching was that they might know Him, and through Him might know the Father. As He walked…

  • J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 7)

    J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), In China For God (Part 7)

    Arranged from the book, “Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission. The Growth Of A Work Of God” by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. Leading missionaries into the remote western part of the vast country of China had been a great venture of faith for J. Hudson Taylor. But after a time there were…